He entered into a place where everyone sat before him
He entered and entertained
Each moment moving in pattern to the next moment moving
In unfamiliar pattern weaving the time
A pattern
To this moment
In this time
Where everyone sat before him
They are
In front of him
As naked as they intend to be
He spews forth
Before them
Upon this page where he stands
His blood phlegm semen
His heart
His life
Before them emptied into this space
Into this time
They watch
Something within wanting more
No thought of their yielding to themselves the meaning of his actions
He speaks to them of
His self
His history
Those other momentss preceding this
That have brought him here at this time
They watch without questioning
Without asking of themselves
Those moments in their own lives that have brought them to this
He knows there is a tyrant in the world
He envisions an ogre with fiery eyes and wild hair and a jewel encrusted staff
That will soon break through the wall behind him
Bludgeoning him into a pool of his own blood
They wait with anticipation for this demon to enter
Never thinking the tyrant is within them
At this moment
Waiting to bludgeon each one of them into pools of their own blood
Into a life restrained by their own tyranny
He offers each of them a mirror so they may view this pattern better
We don't want mirrors, they think
We want more
What they want and what they need are not the same, he thinks
He has a lot of gall, they say to themselves
So as to cut themselves off from themselves
They are as naked as they intend to be, he realizes
Knowing that the tyrant has struck
©1992 - Stanley M. Fried